Daily Archives: November 2, 2008

On Barak Obama: A Class Perspective of US electoral Politics

Barack Obama is being hailed as a “prophet of change” in USA. Being the first African American to be this close of being President of USA , he has aroused passion and hope in a large section of American society. He has been able to moblize working class and youth in the election. He created this momentum by his very radical speeches , his focus on trade unions, minorities, youth , women etc. USA is long known as one imposing wars on other countries. The greatest war USA has imposed is on its own people. The American Working class, most advanced proletariat in the word has been oppressed by USA. USA has a history of a very strong Socialist movement but this champion of free world has never allowed a “socialist party” in USA.

This is a class perspective of USA electoral politics, it shows that Barack Obama is not the great champion of working classes rather he is just a more brilliant and presentable face of American capitalism.

we are thankful to international Marxist website and American international Workers League for this article

Shaheryar Ali

Is Barack Obama an alternative for US workers?

By Shane Jones

After years of Bush’s open-ended war on working people at home and abroad, many on the “left” are desperate for an alternative. For many, that alternative is Barack Obama, a Democratic Senator from Illinois. Obama, who is very careful with his words and actions, has done a good job so far of portraying himself as a “sensible progressive”.  However, far from being a “progressive” alternative, Obama is at his core a typical representative of the bosses’ political parties. Despite presenting himself as a candidate of “change”, Obama is a defender of capitalism and imperialism, and hence of exploitation and oppression. On all fundamentals, he is far closer to Bush than he is to being a genuine alternative for working people. Continue reading


Filed under Politics, USA