Monthly Archives: January 2008

Neither Night nor Day

Raza Rumi
Our contributor, Soniah Kamal‘s short story ‘The Breast’ is included in the captioned anthology published by Harper Collins, India. In the recent months, Soniah was busy with her academic pursuits and will be writing for Pak Tea House regularly.
Despite her Pakistani origins, Soniah is a true global citizen as she has lived in different countries and walked through myriad cultures. Her writings therefore bring forth a unique sensibility that is nuanced by her inherited culture but is larger in scope and effect.
We are posting a few lines below from a review found at Women’s Writing. Also another review published on the erudite Ruined by Reading blog can be found here. Finally, readers mught wish to read an interesting interview with Rakshanda Jalil, the super-talented editor of this anthology. This piece makes some profound statements on Pakistani literature; however, I am posting a quote from Jalil’s interview, that will excite the bloggers:
Incidentally, after having edited this collection, I have become an ardent devotee of the internet and the huge world it opens up. I have managed to stay in constant touch with the women who have contributed to this collection – something that I could never have done in the old days of snail mail.
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Filed under Books, Literature, Pakistan, Writers