Category Archives: quetta

Habib Jalib’s tragic murder – a blow to national integrity

PTH strongly condemns this act of barbarity and tragic persecution of Balochi leadership. We cannot afford to let this continue. About time, the Balochistan package is fully implemented and widened in its scope. We have to redress all genuine grievances of this troubled province and instead of looking for a foreign hand, analyse where we went wrong. If the Balochis are with Pakistan, no foreign hand can be successful. This would the beginning of a new chapter in our federal history. We are posting a press release by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan that makes pertinent points and gives a way forward for the rulers. We cannot allow the elimination of representative voices.  Raza Rumi

Jalib’s murder a blow to national integrity: HRCP Continue reading


Filed under baluchistan, Liberal Democratic Pakistan, Pakistan, quetta, Terrorism, violence